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Winners and awarded of the Polish Run 2020

Belowyou can find a list of the Polish Run 2020 winners.

The full list of results (divided into stages and regular runs) is available at:

We remind you that by clicking on your name on the list you can find a medal and a diploma for download.

General classification of women:

1. Wójcicka Magdalena
2. Justyna Kostrzewska
3. Surdacka Ewa

General classification of men:

1. Szymczak Ludovic
2. Dembowski Mariusz
3. Michał Eagle

Prizes for the fastest man and woman in each age category (excluding overall category winners).


1. Boerekamp Demi and Kamińska Beata
2. Słotwińska Weronika


1. Szymczyk Grzegorz
2. Kendryna Kamil
3. Sobczyk Kacper


1. Rak-Słomczyńska Magdalena
2. Nycz Joanna and Szewczyk Dominika


1. Barszcz Piotrek
2. Volkov Viktor
3. Émile Marcel


1. Winiarska Magda
2. Sokołowska Ewa
3. Mazur Iza


1. Abucewicz Marek
2. Reszka Piotr
3. Smoliński Paweł


1. Mavridis Marzena
2. Kraszewska Bożena
3. Denis Nathalie


1. Teunissen Frans
2. Jansen Marcel
3. Szlachetka Marek


1. De Beer Michèle


1. Mydlarz Jerzy

Award for the fastest woman and man by country of residence.

France: Szymczak Ludovic and Hareau Dorota
The Netherlands: Wąsala Krzysztof and Surdacka Ewa
Poland: Dembowski Mariusz and Wójcicka Magdalena

Special award of the Polish Tourist Organization awarded to the fastest Belgian citizen due to the customary place of the competition.

1. Denis Nathalie

A special prize for the oldest participant and participant of the competition.

The oldest woman - De Beer Michèle
The oldest man - Jerzy Mydlarz

Business & Science Poland special awards

Occasional running socks Business & Science Poland - will be awarded to all winners in the above categories and the first nine in each age category.


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